man Pages

Subject: man Pages
From: John Posada <posada -at- FAXSAV -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:41:48 -0500

Hey, guys...

The time has come for me to figure out how to create set of UNIX man pages.

Unfortunately, I don't know where to even start.

I'm not a UNIX person. However, I assume I need to use a UNIX editor, maybe something like vi. I have it. I know a tiny bit about vi, and what I don't know I'm willing to learn. I also know that there is a standard format with standard sections and standard conventions.

However, from there, the nearest I've come to man pages is to view a few of them. I'm aware that there is a filter for running material through Frame, but I want to keep as much flexibility as possible, so I'd like to do it the "right" way. To me, using the filer is like creating a Word file by writing in Word Perfect and using Save As to convert it over.

Anyone point me to resources to get me started? I'll even spend money to buy information resources, so don't hold anything back.


John Posada, Technical Writer (and proud of the title)
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