spelled-out numbers vs. numerals for numbers < 10 online

Subject: spelled-out numbers vs. numerals for numbers < 10 online
From: "Martin, Chuck" <chuckm -at- EVOLVESOFTWARE -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 11:58:23 -0800

A question that just occurred to me. I was taught that in most cases you
should use numerals for numbers less than 10. (There are specific
exceptions.) But I'm writing solely for online right now and an
sensitive to (a) screen real estate and (b) file size. I realize that
using numerals instead of spelled-out numbers doesn't save a *lot* of
space in either case, but it seems to me that every little bit might
help, especially in an increasingly networked world where information
has to be transferred over busier and busier network lines.

So I'm wondering if it might be a better design and usability decision
for solely online documents to use numerals at pretty much all times.
Comments? Thoughts? Mandates?

"You don't look American."
"Everyone looks American, because Americans are from everywhere."

- Doonesbury
Chuck Martin, Technical Writer
Evolve Software | Personal
chuckm -at- evolvesoftware -dot- com | writer -at- best -dot- com
www.evolvesoftware.com | www.writeforyou.com

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