p.r. resume verbiage?

Subject: p.r. resume verbiage?
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- AXIONET -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 19:25:36 -0500

Vanessa Weibler <vanessa -dot- weibler -at- HIGHMARK -dot- COM> wrote:

>Are there any ex-p.r. people out there who might share some >ideas on how to put a more tech-friendly spin on a resume with >mainly p.r. writing?


Put a section under each job "skills relevant to technical writing."
These could include layout, project management, and editing.

It helps to keep in mind that a resume does not have to be an objective
job history. It must be truthful, but should give the most space to the
most relevant positions.

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
(bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com) (604) 421-7189 or 687-2133 X. 269
www.outlawcommunications.com (updated 25 Jan 1998)

"Spider spins its heart out, fox goes home alone,
Wisdom is a snake waiting underneath a stone,
Refuge is in silence or in any stony place,
I will not share your pity, your laws, or your disgrace."
--Oyster Band

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