MS Project to PDF Summary

Subject: MS Project to PDF Summary
From: "Pilipovich, Kathleen" <Kathleen -dot- Pilipovich-1 -at- KMAIL -dot- KSC -dot- NASA -dot- GOV>
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 08:59:39 -0400

Fellow Tech-wrlrs:

I just sent this note without a subject. So I'm sending it again.
I just read the post from R2 Innovations on member behavior. I
just violated the first rule. I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional. I got in
a hurry.

Here's the summary for my question of how to convert
an MS Project file to .pdf. Thanks to everyone who
responded and especially those who resent their messages.
You're a great bunch of people to have as a resource!

Ian Ferguson
Go to,
choose the appropriate Adobe PS driver for your OS, download it,
install it. During the install process, it will ask two important
questions. One is about the port you wish to configure the driver
to print to. Choose FILE:. The other is about the PPD you wish
to configure the driver to use. Choose the Acrobat Distiller PPD.
It should come with the driver, or you can find it in the
Acrobat3\Distillr\Xtras directory.
Print directly to this driver. It takes it's name from the PPD file,
and will be called Acrobat Distiller 3.x or something like that. The
result will be a *.prn file. Launch the Distiller app. Go to the File
menu and choose Open. Set the Files of Type: to All files. Then
locate the *.prn file that you printed. Distiller should convert this
file into your Project. I have actually done this and it has worked.

Joan Michaeli
If you want to post the MS Project file to your Intranet, I have a
small macro which converts the file to HTML. I use it to post our
project plans to our department. You can download it from the
MS Project site. I don't have the URL and when I looked for it on
the Microsoft site I couldn't find it. I've noticed that Microsoft never
keeps information about previous versions available. The
information they give about HTML is that you can save the
Project file as HTML, if you're using Project 98!

Jaehnig Reinhard
Assuming that you have Windows 95, you can redirect your
print output to a file by changing the printer settings. To print to
postscript files, change the properties of the Postscript printer.
Tab Details contains the field 'Print to the following port'. One
of the entries available from the list is FILE.

David Locke
It's not an application option. I wrote you an earlier response
to this and I opened MS Project to check on the option. It is an
option related to the printer driver you are using. If you add a
Apple LaserWriter printer to your list of printers, then you will
have the option of printing to a file. Do the following:
1. Open Control Panel
2. Open Printers
3. On the appropriate printer icon, right click to open the
short-cut menu
4. Select the Properties option
5. Click on the Ports tab
6. Check the FILE port checkbox and click OK.
7. In MS Project, select the appropriate printer.
The output will go to the file.
You have to use a postscript printer or the file will not contain
postscript for conversion.

A couple of other suggestions came through the first time
around. I'm sorry I lost the names of the people who sent them.
1. If you have an Adobe Acrobat product on your system, choose
Acrobat PDFWriter as your printer.
2. If you have the Adobe Acrobat suite on your system, choose
Distiller Assistant as your printer.
Kathy Pilipovich
United Space Alliance
Kathleen -dot- Pilipovich-1 -at- ksc -dot- nasa -dot- gov

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