COREComm's Worst Technical Writing Challenge
Worst Technical Writing Challenge See really bad technical writing every day? Like to share the worst examples you see with the rest of the World Wide World? (Like to win some money in the process?) Here's the challenge: COREComm is looking for the worst samples of technical writing we can find. The samples must be published examples (not samples you write yourself) of vain attempts to communicate technical information effectively. The samples can be verbal or visual, as long as they're really bad. COREComm will evaluate the samples we receive and display winning entries. Prize money will be awarded as follows: 1st prize: $100; 2nd prize $50; 3rd prize $25. To submit an entry, send an e-mail message to webmaster -at- corecomm -dot- com -dot- In your message, include the following: -your name, address, and phone
-the source of
the sample
-the complete copyright information for the
-the sample of bad technical
...or check out
for more detailed guidelines and official entry form.
COREComm staff members will serve as judges for this contest. We reserve the right to reject any sample that violates laws or offends our delicate ethical sensibilities. We're looking for bad communication, not bad taste. Send us your sample soon. |
See really bad technical writing every day? Like to share the worst examples you see with the rest of the World Wide World? (Like to win some money in the process?) Here's the challenge: COREComm will evaluate the samples we receive and display winning entries. Prize money will be awarded as follows: 1st prize: $100; 2nd prize $50; 3rd prize $25. To enter, please fill out the entry form. COREComm staff members will serve as judges for this contest. We reserve the right to reject any sample that violates laws or offends our delicate ethical sensibilities. We're looking for bad communication, not bad taste. Send us your sample soon. |
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