Graphics in Word

Subject: Graphics in Word
From: Sheila Marshall <sheila -at- STK -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:58:50 -0500

Linda & Chris:

Just an FYI about links and Word. When you use a link instead of embedding graphics in Word, Word points to an actual directory and file. So Word, in essence, says go look here for the picture named screenshot.bmp. If you move the file, Word still goes here to look for the file instead of _there_, where you moved it. Same goes for renaming a file.

To see where Word is looking for a picture, press shift + F9 to reveal codes, then change the path or file name or whatever. Then, update links by highlighting the portions of the document you want updated and pressing F9.

Hope this clears things up.


Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 15:39:29 -0500

From: Linda Castellani <linda -at- GRIC -dot- COM>
Subject: Re: Graphics In Word
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At 03:20 PM 6/29/98 -0700, Chris Knight wrote:
>And when you insert, I recommend that "Link to File" be checked and
>"Save with document" be unchecked. This keeps the host document from
>balloning in size, and allows you to have multiple links (from multiple
>docs if you want) to the graphics file. Then if you ever need to change
>the graphic, you only need to change it once, and update the fields (the
>links) in the document file(s).
Be careful with this function. My experience of using it was that when any
little thing changed, Word suddenly could not find the graphic. Even when
all docs and graphics were moved togetherto a different directory, it could
no longer find the graphic and the only solution was to re-insert them. I
finally got real tired of re-inserting graphics and decided instead to save
them all as gifs and use Paint Shop Pro to reduce color depth to 4 bits -
16 colors. That doesn't solve the linking issue between multiple docs,


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Linda Castellani
Technical Writer
GRIC Communications, Inc.
1421 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035

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