Toronto STC Membership

Subject: Toronto STC Membership
From: Suzette Seveny <sseveny -at- PETVALU -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 11:29:29 -0400

I am currently considering becoming a member of the Toronto STC, and would like
to hear from other tech writers in the GTA (STC members and non) about their
experiences/opinions. I am not in Toronto, but that would be the nearest STC.
What I'd like to know specifically, is whether you feel that the membership
fee is money well-spent, and benefits, if any, would be derived from belonging
to the STC.

I know that there are quite a few techwriters in the Markham area (where I
currently work), but I don't know if many of them belong to the STC.

Also, would other tech writers in the Markham area be interested in getting
together to meet each other and exchange ideas, etc. on a periodic basis?

Please respond to me offline, since this probably isn't of interest to


Suzette Seveny
Markham, Ontario, Canada
sseveny -at- petvalu -dot- com or suzette -at- yesic -dot- com

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