Re: An ugly job incident (long)
From: Barry Kieffer <barry -dot- kieffer -at- EXGATE -dot- TEK -dot- COM>
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 1998 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: An ugly job incident (long)
>> Questions:
>> Do you think I was wrong to throw away notes and old edited documents?
>YES! Old notes and documents are the property of your employer. You created
>the notes on company time, doing company business. If you wanted a copy for
>yourself - well that is debatable. But deleting old documents from the
>server, and throwing away old documents, friend, you don't have a leg to
>stand on.
>> Have any of you had something similar happen, like being accused of
>> stealing?
>> Do you think I have legal recourse if I don't receive my severance?
>> Is this a clear case of defamation of character?
>Legal recourse?!
>Defamation of character?!
>You admitted to the crime!
>You be lucky if this don't dog you and keep you from ever getting hired as a
>TW again!
>I would gladly hire a mediocre worker, but I have got to trust the person.
>Without trust - you ain't got nothing.
>If I ever checked references and the reference said: They were a great
>technical writer, but they deleted documents from the server just before
>they were laid off."
>Woo Nellie!, you can guess the outcome...
>My opinion - join the French Foreign Legion.
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