Looking for software to link or assemble Word files

Subject: Looking for software to link or assemble Word files
From: "MAB (Borchard, Marj)" <mab -at- ROISYSINC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 14:59:00 -0600

Cross-posted to Winhlp listserv

I'm looking for a software tool (or method?) that would allow me to link
or assemble many different Word files (from a variety of sources), which
would be shipped to customers as one finished package. Of course,
RoboHelp 7 (which I'm using for other projects) would work for this, but
I also want the customers to be able to add some text (from one paragraph
to several pages) to this package. I don't want to require customers to
purchase a HAT, learn how to operate a HAT, or even know how to link or
compile. I just want them to be able to add some text with some basic
formatting--it doesn't even have to be as "fancy" as Word. I'm assuming I
will need a programmer to write some code as part of this package. I'm
currently using RoboHelp Classic but could move to RoboHTML, if this will

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Marj Borchard
mab -at- roisysinc -dot- com

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