Sharing AutoText entries

Subject: Sharing AutoText entries
From: Betsy Devine <bdevine -at- HOTMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 20:52:54 EST

Dear fellow tech-writers,

I work for a small software company whose major product was recently
switched out of DOS to Windows. They've asked me to help support users
by creating a Word document we can send out to them on a floppy, so that
users can point-and-click to choose one of (say) thirty codes. To make
matters more complex, although you only need thirty choices in Paragraph
10 (for example), you'd like to be able to choose from a different set
of thirty in Paragraph 14.

I have considered the following possibilities:
1) Creating paragraph styles linked to AutoText entries. But won't
their templates on all their multiple machines override my
own set of AutoText entries?

2) Inserting a 30-item table at the end of each relevant paragraph so
users can copy-and-paste the codes they want, then erase the tables when
they are finished.

Do any of you have a better idea--maybe a macro?

Betsy Wilczek
bdevine -at- hotmail -dot- com
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