Re: Tech Writer's Duties

Subject: Re: Tech Writer's Duties
From: Barry Kieffer <barry -dot- kieffer -at- EXGATE -dot- TEK -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 08:48:04 -0700

One large problem is that job titles are darn well meaningless.

How do you compare experience with tenure?

Does revising a manual over-and-over constitute a gain in experience?

Can you claim 5 years experience with MS Word, and still not know what a
style sheet is?

Can you claim 30+ years of experience as a technical writer, and not have
ever used MS Word?

Can you claim 30+ years experience as a technical writer, and spend two
hours trying to discover what a non-system disk is?

I know all of these people, and they all have the title of Senior Technical

Job titles do not have any quantifiable meaning.

Years of experience (not tenure), a good portfolio, and demonstrative skills
are all proof of a Senior Technical Writer.

The job title just does not mean anything.


From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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