Re: Styles for User Guides

Subject: Re: Styles for User Guides
From: CASSIN Gilles <GCassin -at- MEGA -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 10:37:44 +0100

<Quote&snip>De: Sharon Burton-Hardin [mailto:sharonburton -at- email -dot- msn -dot- com]
My guess is that this issue may be less a legal issue and more an
one. But many times that ethics are more important than the legal

Ethics. Well, I still couldn't have a look on any of those gorgeous
templates. IMHO, creating a template isn't much of a creation. OK, using
the same template for the concurrent of a previous customer is not
ethical, but working for the concurrent is bad ethics as a whole.
Templating "-) is an old technique. Generations of printers created the
rules of the thumb (the inch wide margin to hold the books that are
carried; the heavier, the thinner); this evolves due new medias, but is
a slow process where there is not much creation (Zapf's Helvetica and
Frutiger's Switzerland were create 40 years ago, nearly at the same
time. Who copied whom?)
If you are paid for creating a template, and then for creating a new
one, you must consider the fact of being payed twice for the same job.
Except that the template usually comes for free in the bundle.
Yet, in addition to those neat copyrightable things, I'd like to share
the experience of a "paid for template creation " TW
mailto:gcassin -at- mega -dot- com"
Le rouge est une couleur proche du bleu, mais pas trop" P. Desproges
+33 1 42 75 40 22
My opinions are mine, and neither you nor my company can take credit for
them. YOU can cite them if you think they were of use.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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