Re: Software Manual Organization

Subject: Re: Software Manual Organization
From: Mitchell Gibbs <gibbs -at- GNV -dot- FDT -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 10:38:01 -0400


I'm currently documenting a major program upgrade (from DOS to 32-bit
Windows) and need to incorporate the same information types you mentioned.

I've designed the manual's structure based on my users' needs. We'll have
new users with absolutely no experience with our software or computers, and
experienced users upgrading to a markedly different program. (Many of the
experienced users have little or no experience with Windows and constitute
an additional subcategory of user.)

For brand new users, I'll write a section of how-to's that cover basic
procedures and that incorporate a lot of contextual material (your
"theoretical and historical" content). I think this will help the new user
understand both how and why they are performing a task.

For our experienced users, I'll write a section of no-nonsense how-to's on
more advanced procedures.

The third type of information you mention, menu explanations, will be
divided among two areas: 1) introductory material that covers the most
commonly needed items and provides an overview of program structure, and 2)
a reference section (in print this may be reduced to a glossary, with more
extensive information available in the online help.)

The manual will also include a "Windows 101" section and a "What's changed
from the previous version" section.

Mitchell Gibbs
Technical Writer
Advantage Software, Inc.

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