Re: Data Storage and File Management

Subject: Re: Data Storage and File Management
From: Dan Brinegar <vr2link -at- VR2LINK -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 09:16:01 -0700

Oh, yes, absolutely.... I can't tell you how many customer machines I've
shipped back to 'em with nothing but a stock system install on their new
drive-- often because their IS thought doing backups was "too hard" or
when we couldn't get backups usefully restored because the restore program
didn't actually work.

I was sitting there rescuing data off a customer's crashed drive, and
hacking a reinstall when the local "BenchFred" told me not to bother,
because the customer was paying us an hour's shop time to resurrect the
computer rather than about 8 hours' shop time to do a minimum restoration.

(But they paid time & materials to fix broken .dll files and system packs
after they found that the stock reinstall didn't include CamelCaps 99
Service Pack 8 or Quake and installed it themselves *shrug*).

At 8:56 AM -0600 4/6/99, Eric Ray wrote:

>And verify both the official policy on doing restores and that
>restores actually work well enough to be useful. You'd assume
>that "whoops, I deleted it all" or "disk crashed" would automatically
>get the IS people to work on restoring, but that's not correct
>in many companies.
>If you haven't actually restored data from your backup to a
>clean system and used the data, you don't know that the
>backup system works.

Dan Brinegar Information Developer/Research Droid

"Now look at the people,
in the streets, in the bars.
We are all of us in the gutter:
But some of us are looking at the stars."

vr2link -at- vr2link -dot- com CCDB Vr2Link Performance S u p p o r t Svcs.

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