Re: Nortel Hiring

Subject: Re: Nortel Hiring
From: "Comeau, Lisa" <Lisa -dot- Comeau -at- MOH -dot- GOV -dot- ON -dot- CA>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 15:12:14 -0400

Mary Reynolds said <post liberally gutted and snipped>
"Nortel is hiring 300-400 people and is having a job fair"
"If you know anyone who would be interested in any of these positions,
please ask them to email or fax their resume to me."
"Employees who refer someone who gets hired get a referral bonus."

Then Matthew Horn said <in what may or may not have been a snidely meant
"Yeah, and my company hires people too, but unless I have a specific
that relates to technical writing/editing, I don't send spam to this list.
Please, don't post this type of message. Feel free to flame me if this is an
unreasonable request."

Now I say <no flame intended>
Personally, I don't live in Texas, and I can't attend said job fair, but if
I did, and if I could, I would probably go. Why? Because Technical Writing
is but a SMALL part of my job, and I may be interested in working for

Granted, Mary's post clearly stated she gets a referral bonus if one or her
referrals gets hired, hence, her point of posting. But she was honest about

Granted, Matthew may feel this is "spam" because it has nothing to do with

Matthew, use the delete key. Mary, when posting job info, give info -
preferably in the subject line.

IMHO, this isn't spam, it's opportunity knocking. If we can't post job fair
info, we can't post course info - not everyone wants to know about RoboHelp
courses, but we should have the option to read or not to read. Just because
I don't need a RoboHelp course doesn't mean that I want to keep everyone
else from knowing about them, nor do I have the right to.

Lisa Comeau
Accounts Representative
Client Services Group
Y2K/Exchange Project
(O) 327 1112
(P) 715 9198

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