Spaces between numbers and heads--readability

Subject: Spaces between numbers and heads--readability
From: Peterson Karen <Peterson_Karen -at- PRC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 16:03:26 -0400

Dear Techwhirlers,

I recently changed our head styles so that there is only one space between
the number and the title. We used to have a tab character. I think one space
looks fine in the body, but when I generate a TOC, the number and words are
very close (one space apart).

My co-writers say that the new spacing is hard to read. I can't tell if
they're right or if they're just not used to the new spacing. Does anyone
know whether or not this spacing truly affects readability? If it does, does
anyone have experience with changing the spacing in Word (without using

For clarification, I'm talking about outline numbered heads, and the space
is represented by the asterisk below:

2.12*Using Cool Software

Thank you very much,

"Act your shoe size."
--Maxwell House ad

Karen Peterson
Peterson_Karen -at- prc -dot- com

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