Experiences with contract work in UK

Subject: Experiences with contract work in UK
From: Sybille Sterk <sybille -at- BOFFIN -dot- BEYOND2000 -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 14:07:04 +0100

Dear All!

Does any of you have experience with contract work in the UK?

I am currently working as a contractor for my former company and feel as if
I am not learning anything new.... However, I need to keep this job for the
moment, but would like to gain more and new experiences by working for
other companies, too. My contract does not exclude me working for other
companies, so that's not a problem.

I am not quite sure how to go about this and how to get to know about any
available contracts. I've tried jobserve UK, but most of the technical
authoring jobs there ask for people with very specific knowledge, usually
either programming or telecoms - and I don't want to move to Belgium or
France either... Is there anywhere else I could look or are there any
agencies specialising on this kind of things?



Sybille Sterk
Technical Author and Translator (German)
email: sybille -at- boffin -dot- beyond2000 -dot- co -dot- uk

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