Free time

Subject: Free time
From: Elizabeth_Keitt <Elizabeth_Keitt -at- BAYLOR -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 13:45:54 -0500

Believe me, I wish I had free time at my last job. I would love to be
able to do things such as design a new format for the company newsletter,
research new software to help the customer service dept., and generally
do things that my boss considered "activities that don't make me money'
(it was a small business and he was very narrow-minded).

For those who need something to do in your free time, LEARN! Learn software,
ask if you can cross-train for other depts., look for ways to save the
company money. Also, ask about flex-time for when you have nothing else
to do - maybe you could bank hours from overtime and take them as time
off instead.

Just my 2 cents worth - By the way, anyone ever wonder why the keyboard
doesn't have a "cents" sign???

Liz Keitt
Baylor University
Waco, Texas

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