Re: Wiley Technical Communications Library--New Info

Subject: Re: Wiley Technical Communications Library--New Info
From: Avon Murphy <avonm -at- USWEST -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 22:29:57 -0700

Here's bad news and good about the Wiley Technical Communication Library--

The bad news: Wiley editors say that the series is officially dead. It was
simply a matter of economics: as much as the company promoted the books and
got some pretty good press in _Technical Communication_, not enough people
bought the books to keep the series going. The last title was released in

The good news on two fronts: First, the series gave us several titles
offering some darned good information of interest to different kinds of
people in our multidisciplinary field, including
*Larry Bonura's _The Art of Indexing_
*Marlana Coe's _Human Factors for Technical Communicators_
*JoAnn Hackos' _Managing Your Documentation Projects_
*Nancy Hoft's _International Technical Communication_
*Lynnette Porter and William Coggin's _Research Strategies in Technical
*Susan Weinschenk, Pamela Jamar, and Sally Yeo's _Guidelines for
Enterprise-Wide GUI Design_
*Ken Whitaker's _Guide to Publishing User Manuals_
These authors and this publisher gave us much for which we can be grateful.

And the second good-news front: Wiley will continue to publish two or three
books of direct interest to technical communicators each year. They advise
us to look, for example, for books on Internet-based training and on
interface design. The books just won't be in a tech communication series. If
the company does indeed continue to publish high-quality titles that address
our needs, our book review section will very possibly bring them to your

So don't despair--there's still lots of intriguing material being published
that we'll continue to tell you about, from Wiley and from many other

Avon Murphy
Book Review Editor
_Technical Communication_
1234 Firpark Drive SE
Lacey, WA 98503
avonm -at- uswest -dot- net

-----Original Message-----
From: Kat Nagel <katnagel -at- EZNET -dot- NET>
Date: Sunday, April 11, 1999 3:29 PM
Subject: Wiley Technical Communications Library

>At 07:20 PM 03/03/1999 -0600, Jane Bergen wrote:
>>Wylie & Sons had a good thing going with their
>>Technical Communication Library, but I haven't seen much out of it
>>lately. The last time I tried to search at their web site for it, I
>>got no hits!
>As of this afternoon:
>Technical Communication Library got no hits
>Technical Communications Library got 1 hit
>Wiley Technical Communicatins Library got 5 hits
>The most recent listing is for Nancy Hofts book on international tech comm.
> The date is 1995, so I think it's safe to say they've either discontinued
>the series or changed the series title.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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