SUMMARY: Spelling checkers (German & others)

Subject: SUMMARY: Spelling checkers (German & others)
From: Benzi Schreiber <benzi -at- HARMONYCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 11:33:47 +0200

Thanks to all the helpful people who helped me on this.

Bottom line so far: The only one I could download and test without buying
was TextPad (thank you, Nancy Kaminski). It's a cute text editor, doesn't
take up huge amounts of disk space, and includes downloadable spelling
checkers for several languages. It means I have to cut and paste the text in
my Word document to check it in TextPad, because it isn't a Word Plug-in
(unlike some other packages that were recommended to me). But at $27 to
register, it represents the best value (the Word plug-in weighed in around

- Benzi

Benzi Schreiber
Technical Publications Manager

benzi -at- harmonycom -dot- com
benzi-s -at- actcom -dot- co -dot- il

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