Re: adjustable drawing container in Word 98?

Subject: Re: adjustable drawing container in Word 98?
From: Mitchell Gibbs <gibbs -at- GNV -dot- FDT -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:58:18 -0400

William Courington wrote:
>Word's drawing tools seem up to the job. My problem is creating a
>suitable "container" to draw in.

IF Word98 for the mac works like Word97 for the PC, you don't need a
container at all. Any drawing object can be formatted like a "container."
In fact, the formatting dialog box for objects is nearly identical to the
formatting dialog for text boxes and pictures. When you group multiple
drawing objects, or drawings and text boxes, the grouped elements become a
single object with a single formatting dialog box. The dialog allows you to
anchor the object to a paragraph, specify wrapping characteristics, etc.
The dimensions of the drawing expand as you add and group new elements.

My only complaint about these features is that, when you create a grouped
object, the default wrapping is "none." When I add a new element and group
it with an existing drawing, I lose the drawing's wrapping and my body text
flows in behind it. All I have to do is respecify the wrapping format, but
it does look ugly for a few seconds.

In short, just create the drawing in page layout view, then format it.
Mitchell Gibbs
Technical Writer
Advantage Software, Inc.

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