Keeping Books Open in Acrobat

Subject: Keeping Books Open in Acrobat
From: "Wollenberger, David" <David -dot- Wollenberger -at- STERLING -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 08:47:50 -0700

In my department, we release our manuals as manual sets, sometimes as many
as 15 for one product. They are delivered on CD as PDF files. If we have a
reference in one manual to another, we have started using hypertext links,
created after final pdf generation, in Acrobat. The problem is, if our
user's are in book 1 and they see a reference to book 2 and click on it,
Acrobat automatically closes book 1. The only way around this (to my
knowledge) is to change a preference in Acrobat under File, Preferences,
General, and turn off Open Cross-Document Links in Same Window.

I want to confirm with the Acrobat experts that this is the best way to do
this, and ask the tech writers if they think this is even an issue for the
users. I myself would like the book to stay open, my manager feels more
strongly about it. I was thinking of adding a short section to our manuals
or CD booklets about tips and tricks for using Acrobat, including this and
other issues, such as don't click on a link until you see the hand change,
using Ctrl+5 for Go To, and yes, even remind users that Ctrl-F will allow
them to search for text strings (I recently had the opportunity to observe
some users, they don't think to use the search feature in online docs).



David Wollenberger

Technical Writer

Sterling Software, Inc. * Information Management Division
5900 Canoga Ave * Woodland Hills, CA 91367
(818) 716-1637, x270 * FAX: (818) 703-8529

david -dot- wollenberger -at- sterling -dot- com

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