Single Sourcing

Subject: Single Sourcing
From: Xiang Li <xli -at- FEDERALAPD -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:22:17 -0400

To all:

Several months ago, we discussed single sourcing. During the past week, I
used RoboHelp 7.0 to generate a manual. The end result was ok, the problem
I ran across was some graphics were not displayed in the manual. I think it
was because the consultants who worked on this project did not correct the
corruptions caused by HelpBreeze (A help authoring tool made by
SolutionSoft. however, no new version of this product ever came out after
1996. You can tell what kind of product it is.). I had to insert the
graphics that were not generated into the manual. and arrange the topics
and title. Some formats work well for Help, but not for manual, so I have
to change them.

We are going to change the Help, as a result, we have to update the manual.
However, since every time after the manual is generated, some additional
work need to be done, it is not a very good option. The solution is to keep
the previous one and generate a new one, add the new content into the
previous one.

Our printer told us printing manual from word will cost us more. I do not
know whether single sourcing saves us money or not.

Xiang Li

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