Thinking of relocating to Philadelphia, PA

Subject: Thinking of relocating to Philadelphia, PA
From: "Staples, Lorrie" <Lorrie -dot- Staples -at- NEXTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 12:02:48 -0400


I'm weighing out the option of relocating to Philadelphia, PA this summer
(due to family reasons), and I'd love to have some recruiter's names and
recommendations from other TW's. I'm formerly from the western suburbs of
Philadelphia (worked in KOP from 1985-1995) and so I'm familiar with that
side of town (Malvern, Great Valley, KOP, Collegeville, Exton, Plymouth
Meeting, BlueBell, etc.).

I moved to Atlanta, GA with Lockheed-Martin (which used to be Martin
Marietta, which used to be General Electric) for a large business process
re-engineering project and when they laid me off, I stayed because the job
market opportunities were better in Atlanta at the time. I've been told
that the job market is recovering up there, so I'd like to know from the TW

Also, if anyone has any experience with relocating to the Philadelphia area
as a technical writer, I'd love to talk to you.

Please respond to me off-list with any suggestions (& no flames or debates
about whether it's a good area or not, ok? <grin>). I've already had my
flaming, thank you!! <grin>

Have a great day!!

Lorrie -dot- Staples -at- nextel -dot- com

Lorrie Staples
Technical Writer
Nextel Communications
Norcross, GA
678/291-3544 (Desk)
770/560-2636 (iDEN - wireless)

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