Re: FWD: Is multi-tasking dead?

Subject: Re: FWD: Is multi-tasking dead?
From: Darla Kennington <dkennington -at- INSYSTEMS -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 15:22:44 -0400

From a management perspective, I do NOT believe the current
trend is cost
effective. Why have a $50,000/yr technical writer also doing
the job of a
$35,000/yr graphic artist, and a $20,000/yr illustrator and

Problem is, tech writers often have a keen eye for layout and illustration.
My job is not just to churn out reams of step-by-step procedures, but to
develop user friendly documents. That means sound layout and intuitive and
sometimes imaginative graphics and illustrations. That means, I need to have
my hands in all or at least most of the document creation process. I do
agree that a graphic artist can really put the icing on the cake. The one's
I have known were far more talented in this area than myself, but I have a
lot to offer in as a technical writer to this process. Besides, the graphic
artists I know, make at least the same if not better wages than me.

Just my .02.

Darla Kennington
Technical Writer
InSystems Technologies Inc.
905.513.1400 ext.426
dkennington -at- insystems -dot- com <mailto:dkennington -at- insystems -dot- com>

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