Re: HTML help, using a non-proportional font to display a table

Subject: Re: HTML help, using a non-proportional font to display a table
From: steve <steve -at- SOFTLINESYSTEMS -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 13:36:57 -0700

> Thank you for the tips. Regarding your step number 3, Select
>'Convert text to table' and select the tabs option, I cannot find the
>command to 'Convert text to table'. I am working in RoboHTML, if that
>any difference.
Yeah, it certainly does. Convert to table is a Word function located near
the bottom of Word's table menu. I assumed you were developing winhelp.
But... not to be discouraged. The following method actually works for

1. Import your unformatted tables into Word and perform the instructions
as given.

>> 1. Count the spaces between the columns
>> 2. Search and replace that specific number of spaces with tabs
>> 3. Select 'Convert text to table' and select the tabs option

2. Choose Save As and select HTML as your document type
3. Return to RoboHTML and import the new file into your helpfile. The
document's name becomes the new topic and the tables will come in fully
formatted, which you, of course, can modify if desired.

Steven Ward Email: steve -at- softlinesystems -dot- com
Technical Writer Phone: (604) 266-1995
Softline Systems Inc. Fax: (604) 266-1949
850-1200 West 73rd Ave. Vancouver, B.C.

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