Re: Some Advice Needed

Subject: Re: Some Advice Needed
From: "Walakavage, Karen" <kwala -at- TURKEYHILL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:41:17 -0600

Deborah Cooper is looking for some information on quick tip sheets.

In a past assignment, we created "quick reference" cards for each course we
wrote (SAP end-user training manuals). I'd suggest some modification of the
format we used. The card was laid out in a tabular format in three columns.
The first column included the name of the transaction to be executed
("create purchase order"). The second column listed the SAP shortcut code
for the procedure ("pa90"). The third column included the menu path for the
procedure ("Main > Logistics > Distribution > Purchase order > Create").
The cards were printed on salmon cardstock and were inserted as the final
page of the manual. They were easy to find, had the necessary information,
and often were the quick reminder that trained users needed (rather than
dragging them through a whole training transaction, as you've noted).

I'd imagine with a little tweaking, a layout like this would suit your
needs-providing that you can devise a layout which would consistently give
you a one-page document (aah, and therein always lies the rub...).

--Karen Walakavage
In-house word geek
Turkey Hill Dairy (yes, a dairy)
Eagles may soar, but a weasel has never been sucked into a jet engine.
Incidentally, my employer can't even begin to conceptualize where I get my
opinions, and therefore they have no responsibility for them.

From: Deborah Cooper[SMTP:dcooper -at- EDISPATCH -dot- COM]
Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 11:18 AM
Subject: Some Advice Needed


My question: have any of you created a smaller quick-fix
tip-sheet, or whatever you want to call it, that just lists the
steps needed to perform each task? Sort of like a cheat-sheet


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