" vs ' - when do you use them?

Subject: " vs ' - when do you use them?
From: Debbie Packer <dpacker -at- STINGRAYBOATS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:47:15 -0400

I have a web page that contains a pull down menu and a submit button that is
labeled 'Build Your Boat'.

In the paragraphs below it, I briefly describe the feature and how to use
it. The first two paragraphs are:

If your local dealership does not have the Stingray you
want, "build your own" with our online Build Boat feature.

Select a model from the pull down menu above and
submit your selection using the 'Build Your Boat' button.

My question:

Am I using the quotes correctly or does it matter which ones I use?



Debbie Packer - Web Developer
Stingray Powerboats
mailto:dpacker -at- stingrayboats -dot- com

(843)383-4507 ext. 155

Don't take life too seriously -- you'll never get out of it alive.

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