Re: FWD: Road blocks in negotiating raise

Subject: Re: FWD: Road blocks in negotiating raise
From: Damien Braniff <Damien_Braniff -at- PAC -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 08:36:05 +0100

I don't know if your initial salary was the going rate for newbies but I'd say
that you're at the start of a long learning curve - there are always
"roadblocks" re salary rising from the writer trying to get as much as
reasonably possible and the company trying to pay as little as possible. I know
this isn't always the case but more often than not.

If you WERE being paid the going rate for newbies then you have two choices once
you have gone all the way down the negotiating road - accept what's offered or
leave. When I started the company I worked for paid good wages for newbies but
they didn't rise in relation to experience gained. What happened there (a team
of 20 software authors) was that they had a 75% turnover in staff in the year I
was there - they came , they learned, they went (to paraphrase Caeser!).

As to what the new TW is getting it's irrelevant.

Damien Braniff
Technical Author
PAC International

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