Road Blocks in Negotiating Raise

Subject: Road Blocks in Negotiating Raise
From: "Rockey, Alice" <arockey -at- OSEC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:34:55 -0700


Considering that you only have two years experience (and no degree), I think
that you are inflating the idea of what you should be making per year.
Since you already accepted the job at $28,000, you're stuck! It doesn't
matter what someone with a Master's Degree asked for. Either accept what
you have already accepted (and pick up experience along the way), or move
on. You might be able to make a higher salary somewhere else (but two years
and no degree is not much to leverage) but I'd make sure I had an offer on
the table before I cut the cord with your current position.

Alice Rockey
arockey -at- osec -dot- com
Oceanside, CA
"You don't have to watch Dynasty
To have an attitude."

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