Word to Mac to Web--conclusion

Subject: Word to Mac to Web--conclusion
From: Lori Wiens <lwiens -at- JPS -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 10:33:43 -0500

Thanks to all who responded about PC to Mac conversion. Sounds like unless
the Mac user has Word (which he doesn't) or conversion software, the best
route is to save as rtf in Word on my end and send the graphics separately.
The text formatting is preserved well enough on the Mac end in PageMaker. Of
course it can be saved as a text only file (which as Tom pointed out needs
to be w/out an extension for the Mac) but I didn't want to lose all my
formatting. Saving as HTML on my end did not work; he could not open it on
the Mac end (whether the extension was .htm or .html, it didn't matter).
However, my saving as HTML was a convenient way to get all the graphics in
.gif files to send to him. He could read these just fine.
--Lori Wiens

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