Controlling Communication

Subject: Controlling Communication
From: Roger Morency <rogerm -at- ONTARIO -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 15:04:10 -0500

We talk a lot on this list about how use technical communication tools,
style issues, and other skills needed to effectively communicate with a
variety of audiences. What we do not talk about much is controlling
communication within various organizations. Who authorizes communication to
a client, the press, or other agency within your organization? How is this
flow of information controlled without stifling communication? What review
processes assure that letters are edited for technical accuracy and legal
issues before sending? How are these processes policed so that all employees
follow them?

When we were a small company, these were important but not critical issues.
Now that we have hundreds of employees communicating with clients, vendors,
and maybe even competitors every day, we are looking for some best practices
to implement and help control the flow of information. I am talking about
much more than producing manuals, but every form of external (and even
internal) communication.


Roger Morency
rogerm -at- ontario -dot- com <mailto:Rogerm -at- ontario -dot- com>

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