Re: What makes a technical writer

Subject: Re: What makes a technical writer
From: Martha J Davidson <editrix -at- SLIP -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:34:26 -0700

At 10:40 AM 4/27/99 -0700, John Posada wrote:
>Within that *one* attribute (pushing all the buttons)
>was the characteristic of:
>- curiosity
>- fearlessness (I come across even "experienced" tech
>writers that have never pushed the little paintbrush
>button on the MS Word buttonbar because they were
>afraid they were going to screw something up.)

Actually, I *am* one of those experienced (no quotes necessary) tech
writers who has a lingering degree of technophobia that I use to my
advantage. Based on that, if I had to describe one attribute a good tech
writer can use, I'd say Emphathy--with an audience who may have just as
much fear of their own.

The fact that I often feel twinges of "oh no, what will it break if I try
that?" as I work sensitizes me to those members of my audience who may feel
the same, and I can modify my writing to address those concerns. As I
document each aspect, I ask the developers enough questions to feel safe to
explore and discover the basics of the software.

Once I understand what's going on in the software, I can describe it
clearly enough to create a context for people learning it, so that they
will have the background to make informed guesses as they work.


Martha Jane {Kolman | Davidson}
mailto:editrix -at- slip -dot- net

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
If not now, when?"
--Hillel, "Mishna, Sayings of the Fathers 1:13"

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