Re: Gender-specific pronouns

Subject: Re: Gender-specific pronouns
From: Jean Weber <jhweber -at- WHITSUNDAY -dot- NET -dot- AU>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 07:11:50 +1000

I'm with the group that advocates rewriting a sentence to avoid the
he/she/their single pronoun problem. I rarely am presented with a sentence
that I can't rewrite in a way that avoid the problem without introducing a
different problem. Sometimes it's a bit hard to do out of context, and once
in a while I get one that stumps me (though usually that's at the end of a
long day and my creative abilities aren't up to speed), but that's very rare.

You may be interested in reading my papers on the subject:

"Why bother with gender-neutral writing?"

"Editing for gender neutrality: How to be politically correct without
mangling the English language"

Regards, Jean
Jean Hollis Weber
The Technical Editors' Eyrie
mailto:jhweber -at- whitsunday -dot- net -dot- au

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