FW: One big manual or several small ones?

Subject: FW: One big manual or several small ones?
From: "Moore, Tracey" <TMoore -at- PARKERVISION -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:21:31 -0400

I don't see why a big manual has to be hard to use. A big manual that is
well organized, has a comprehensive index and nice clear tabs shouldn't
be hard to use. Size doesn't make it so, disorganization does.

<<My question is this: Would an end user rather have a large
document that contains lots of information in a format that is
hard to use and find the necessary data, or would a user
prefer to have smaller documents where the information is
easily accessible?>>

Definitely try and find out what YOUR end users want. You may be
surprised by what you find.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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