Re: Preference: One Big Manual or a Bunch of Smaller Ones?

Subject: Re: Preference: One Big Manual or a Bunch of Smaller Ones?
From: Mark Magennis <markmagennis -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 01:38:25 -0700


One thing to consider is who will use each part of the big
manual and in what situation.

For example, if the people who will (am I allowed to say that?)
install the software are different from those who will use it,
it may be better to provide a separate installation guide and
user guide.

Even if they are the same person, if they don't need a user
guide during installation and they don't need an installation
guide during regular use, then the two parts will get in the way
of each other if they are included in the same manual.

It's similar to dividing a manual into chapters based on tasks.
If you are doing a particular task, you don't want the
information you need mixed up with information about other tasks
you're not doing. As much as possible, separation of tasks,
uses, and users is a good thing. Bear in mind though that
sometimes it isn't possible.

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