Tech-writing and Political Correctness in the Workplace

Subject: Tech-writing and Political Correctness in the Workplace
From: Bal Simon <wordmuse98 -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:04:48 -0700


I tend to go a bit nuts when I have to deal with the
hockypuck ninnies of the world who insist that only
words that they don't find offensive - scratch that -
irritating (by the Gods I hate the word "offensive"
since it basically means "sueable"!) should be used.

Let me tell you a little story: I worked on contract
at a company you would all know by name if you heard
it. I was responsible for developing a website for
this company, including all the scaffolding and some
of the content. I developed two prototypes - one was
one with some javascript bells and whistles and one
was plain html.

What to call these prototypes... Well, for the first
I called it "The Jazzed Up Version." The html-only
site I called the "Vanilla HTML Version."

Before I deployed it, being sensitive to the imbecilic
sensitivities of the ninnies of the world, I had
second thoughts about the word "vanilla." So I asked
around to people in my group - about 10 people. Not
one of them thought that I should be concerned. I was
not convinced.

Shortly thereafter, the company newsletter came out.
One of the LEAD stories was how a guy got in trouble
for using the word "vanilla" in a printed document
that few people saw. He didn't lose his job, but he
had to go to "ninnyhood training" (colloquially called
"sensitivity training").

Could you imagine the uproar that would have occurred
had I deployed a web site - seen by up to 50 - 100
people who reviewed the prototype with the word
"Vanilla" in it? I shudderred at the thought and
promptly caved. I used the words "HTML-Only" site. I
didn't even want to use the word "plain". Some UGLY
ninny (and you know who you are!) might have taken
umbrage at that.

It was a use of shallow, vapid words. But because the
ninnies of the world prevail in courts of law, and
because I depend on the good graces of the companies I
work for to gain employment, I figure, "When in

But I do find it irritating...

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