Textbook interviewees wanted

Subject: Textbook interviewees wanted
From: Karen Lane <klane -at- klane -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 21:43:02 -0500

PLEASE REPLY DIRECTLY TO KAREN LANE (klane -at- klane -dot- com)

We are co-authoring an introductory technical communication textbook to be published by Allyn and Bacon in October 2001 and are writing to request your help concerning one of its features.

The textbook will include a series of vignettes featuring individual technical professionals in a variety of fields and industries, emphasizing the role that communication plays in their jobs. Each vignette will provide some quotes from the professional, some background on this person's job and company or organization, a brief bio, and a discussion of how communication is important on the job.

Our aim is to provide about ten vignettes on professionals from diverse geographical locations and jobs. We want to highlight those technical professionals for whom communication is essential (for example, systems analysts, programmers, engineers, scientists, managers, independent contractors, consultants) and those technical professionals whose primary jobs are in technical communication (for example, graphics designers, technical editors, publications directors, production managers, webmasters). We also plan to provide a vignette for at least one professional in academe, an engineering professor, for example.

We need your help in identifying good candidates for these vignettes. Please take a few minutes to consider your coworkers, colleagues, friends, and relatives. If you know of anyone who would be an interesting candidate for one of these vignettes, please provide us the name, contact information, and a few sentences concerning why you think this person is a good candidate. Or if you'd like to volunteer yourself as a possible subject, of course you may offer your own name and information. We will screen the submissions we receive, select the ones we think most appropriate for the textbook, and take care of everything else.

Thanks for your help.

Dan Jones
djones -at- pegasus -dot- cc -dot- ucf -dot- edu
Professor of English
University of Central Florida

Karen Lane
klane -at- klane -dot- com
Karen Lane Editorial Services

PLEASE REPLY DIRECTLY TO KAREN LANE (klane -at- klane -dot- com)

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