Re: E-books and traditional books

Subject: Re: E-books and traditional books
From: Marilynne Smith <marilyns -at- qualcomm -dot- com>
To: "Mark Baker" <mbaker -at- omnimark -dot- com>, "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 11:31:26 -0800

Mark Baker wrote:
>But I think this will be short lived. I read recently that Barnes and Nobel
>is introducing a concept I have been talking about for a long time (pause to
>scratch my head about why I'm still not a millionaire -- sigh!). They are
>introducing print on demand bookstores. You walk in and request a book for a
>vast on-line collection. They press a button and a printed and bound book
>pops out of a machine. This, not e-books, is the way of the future.

Why go to a bookstore? Why not select the book from an online bookstore, then
either print it on your computer or have them send it to you? They can bill a
credit card.

Still, I'll miss fancy bindings, gold edges (already gone for the most part),
and fancy end papers.

~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~
Marilynne Smith
Sr. Technical Writer
marilyns -at- qualcomm -dot- com
(858) 651-6664


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