Re: Quick survey

Subject: Re: Quick survey
From: Kat Nagel <katnagel -at- eznet -dot- net>
To: Christine Pellar-Kosbar <chrispk -at- merit -dot- edu>
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 08:27:26 -0500

At 01:07 PM 02/02/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm just trying to figure out which programs are in use. Please e-mail me
>name of the program(s) you use to write printed (rather than web-based or
>on-line) documentation at work right now. I will post results to the list.
>(Oh, and if you are not using Windows, please also list the operating
>Christine Pellar-Kosbar
>P.S. Please don't list your favorite program, list the one you are using,
>if you hate it.

60% FrameMaker (Mac)
25% FrameMaker (Win)
10% Word98 (Mac)---occasionally, for short docs or
when I need the outline feature
5% WinWord---only when I'm working onsite somewhere
and Frame isn't available

Note: I have worked in Word far longer than I've worked in Frame. I coach
client groups in Word techniques, and am considered a power user. But,
even when the deliverables must be in WinWord, I prefer to do the
development in Frame---especially if I'm being paid a flat project fee. It
takes much less time (average 30%) to do conversion at the end of the
project, rather than to work from scratch in Word. This isn't a case of
'people prefer what they're familiar with'. It's purely a matter of
efficiency and greed.

Kat Nagel, MasterWork Consulting Services katnagel -at- eznet -dot- net

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