RE: portfolio again - clarification

Subject: RE: portfolio again - clarification
From: Kay Robart <kay -dot- robart -at- integratedconcepts -dot- com>
To: "Murrell, Thomas" <TMurrell -at- alldata -dot- net>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 13:48:37 -0600

I guess this depends upon whether you assume that everyone who interviews
is going to lie to you. Asking questions about the extent of the work done
on specific projects should weed out truthful applicants if all they have
is rework text supplied by the developers, but it's not going to catch
who outright lies. That's one reason some people like to use a test, too.

But I wouldn't quit looking at portfolios just because one guy lied to me.
The review tells me too much about the writer to omit it. For example, some
writers have submitted portfolios to me with absolutely dreadful writing,
they think it is good work.

If employees can't perform, for whatever reason, this is a management issue,
and you have no choice but to either try to bring them up to speed or
dismiss them.

Kay Robart

> I've seen a lot of good ideas in this Portfolio thread, but I have one
> issue
> I haven't seen addressed.
> I'm a little leery of accepting portfolios as showing me anything useful
> about a candidate because I believe I was burned by an alleged writer who,
> I
> believe, faked or stole his portfolio. When he got on the job, he quickly
> established himself as someone who knew far less than I expected based on
> what he passed off as his work.
> Probably I didn't do a good enough job of interviewing him. Certainly
> I've
> gotten better with my overall approach to hiring writers, but I question
> whether a portfolio really tells me anything about the person showing it
> to
> me. It seems to me to be too easy for someone to pass of work as theirs
> when they may not have done anything in the document.
> Has anyone else had this experience?
> Tom Murrell

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