Re: techwr-l digest: May 24, 2000
<original post>===================================
What is the best way to single source a
document for both print and HTML using
<end original post>
The best way is to build and adhere to a solid
template and style. Do not use format overrides, and
do not use same styles for different information
types. You may also want to include conditional text
settings for print only and HTML only information.
Make sure every writer adheres to these rules.
Bill Swallow's suggestions above summarize very
well what is required to successfully convert
any frame document to another format. And that
includes converting unstructured Frame docs to
structured ones in FM+SGML, using Structure
Rules Tables. Format overrides and haphazard
application of para and char tags (i.e., using such
tags for purposes other than the intended purpose)
is the equivalent of the death star when it comes to
Although many people think FM+SGML is mainly
intended for those who must output SGML, my
own experience is that it's even more powerful as a
way to enforce proper tagging and elimination of
ALL format overrides, even those produced with
the abominable Format > Style, Format > Font,
and Format > Size options. The format rules in
the EDD absolutely determine tagging and
formatting, and the EDD structure rules enforce
structure. The following steps assure that
any structured document is fully conformant:
1. If authors attempt to cheat by using
the Paragraph Designer, Character Designer, or other
tools to modify predefined tags in the catalogs,
File > Import > Formats will re-import all formats (except
tables) from the master template, wiping out all of those
attempts at cheating.
2. By using the Validation feature, document
structure is enforced.
3. By using File > Import > Element Catalog,
you reimport the document's element catalogs and format
rules back into itself, removing all format overrides, and all
attempts by authors to apply tags other than those
specified in the EDD's format rules.
These three steps, which can typically be performed in
a few minutes replace the many hours of quality assurance
usually needed to make unstructured FM docs fully
In effect, the EDD and the master template allow FM+SGML
to automatically enforce your style guide, assuring that
any document is ready for:
1. Conversions to another format with minimal post-conversion
rework. If the target format is unstructured (e.g., Word), the
Remove Structure action converts the document to an
unstructured FM document that is consistently tagged
before the conversion is performed.
2. Document Reformatting by globally updating a document's
format catalogs from a different master template derived from
the same EDD.
3. Information Reuse. If you want to reuse a fragment from
document 1 in document 2, and both documents were prepared
using the same EDD, the fragment (with its internal structure
intact) can be copied and pasted into document 2. The
pasted fragment can then be made fully conformant to the
template catalogs and structure in document 2.
| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory -at- primenet -dot- com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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