Re: ISO follies
Clincal Depression is caused by a chemical inbalance. You could be on
an island in the Bahamas with everything you could possibly need and
still be depressed. Your environment has nothing to do with it.
However, to turn around and say "My job is this, my management is
that, my job responsibilities are the other thing, they're making me
do this, and because of this, I'm diagnosed with depression"
trivializes those who truly suffer from it.
If she is truly depressed, her job didn't do it. If her job IS making
her feel some way, it isn't clinical depression.
As others have pointed out, clinical depression is a disease, one which is best treated by a licensed medical doctor (i.e., psychiatrist). Depressive episodes can be triggered by environmental situations, such as a work situation, 9/11, the Loma Prieta Earthquake (that happened to me!), or other factors. It can be (badly) exacerbated by Seasonal Affective Disorder.
HOWEVER, diagnosis belongs in the medical community, as does treatment. It does NOT belong on this board, unless y'all are also licensed MD's. If a doctor pronounces Anon's problems sufficient to warrant a disability timeout, it is none of our f'ing business to comment on its legitimacy. I find the comments critical of Anon's motivation unbelievably ill-informed and emphatically out of line, about on a par with telling a paraplegic he/she doesn't really need a wheelchair or crutches.
Elna Tymes
Los Trancos Systems
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