Starting a documentation team

Subject: Starting a documentation team
From: "Dharuni Garikapaty" <dharuni -at- yasutech -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 12:18:16 +0530


As a result of a long-winding appraisal interview and discussions, I am now
being given the opportunity to start (recruit, train, and manage) a team of
4-5 Technical Writers. I am being given the freedom to choose/decide on
experience levels, numbers of people, recommend remuneration packages,
training, etc.

I have handled teams and projects in a big e-learning (CBT/WBT) company -
but that was essentially client-driven projects. However, nothing of this
scale, and have always had processes and standards to refer.

I am supposed to create a proposal and a plan for this in a week's time.
While I have some ideas about how to go about this, I would like some
guidance and suggestions.

I would like to know the considerations, training requirements (for self),
challenges, or any other information/ ideas anyone may have.

Happy Wednesday!

Technical Writer
YASU Technologies
dharuni -at- yasutech -dot- com



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RE: Single-sourcing, who's doing it?: From: Bill Lawrence

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