Re: What's the definition of a published author
There doesn't seem to be a universal definition - everybody is giving you
their own personal definitions.
So, here is the dictionary definition...
au·thor (ô'thər)
The writer of a book, article, or other text.
One who practices writing as a profession.
One who writes or constructs an electronic document or system, such as a website.
An originator or creator, as of a theory or plan.
USAGE NOTE The verb author, which had been out of use for a long period, has been rejuvenated in recent years with the sense ?to assume responsibility for the content of a published text.? As such it is not quite synonymous with the verb write; one can write, but not author, a love letter or an unpublished manuscript, and the writer who ghostwrites a book for a celebrity cannot be said to have ?authored? the creation. The sentence He has authored a dozen books on the subject was unacceptable to 74 percent of the Usage Panel, probably because it implies that having a book published is worthy of special lexical distinction, a notion that sits poorly with conventional literary sensibilities and seems to smack of press agentry. The sentence The Senator authored a bill limiting uses of desert lands in California was similarly rejected by 64 percent of the Panel, though here the usage is common journalistic practice and is perhaps justified by the observation that we do not expect that legislators will actually write the bills to which they attach their names.?The use of author as a verb in computer-related contexts is well established and unexceptionable.
... and "Publish"
pub·lish (pŭb'lĭsh)
v., -lished, -lish·ing, -lish·es.
To prepare and issue (printed material) for public distribution or sale.
To bring to the public attention; announce. See synonyms at announce.
To issue a publication.
To be the writer or author of published works or a work.
Diane Evans
Technical Writer and definitely published author...
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