RE: Linking from an application to a PDF
As they used to say on SNL, "New Shimmer is a floor wax *and* a dessert
Why "instead of launching Win/WebHelp?" Why not use an online help
application? PDF's a wonderful, cross-platform doc-printing format, but it
is not a floor wax, a dessert topping, or an online help app -- at least not
by design.
I apologize for not answering your original question, but perhaps I asked
the question that should have preceded it.
Dan Goldstein
As opposed to using WinHelp as an online documentation delivery system instead of a help system?
Anyway, the main problem is linking the topics to the program. I am not certain that this can be done without a lot of effort.
RE: Linking from an application to a PDF: From: Goldstein, Dan
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