Re: Alternative variable in Header/Footer
Is there a way, similar to FM, where I can place an alternative variable
in a header or footer, so that if the primary variable isn't found on
the page, the secondary is?
Example: I have a primary heading style, Heading2 and a secondary
heading style, Heading2TopOfPage. I want the primary instance of
Heading2 to be populated into the footer, but in absence of Heading2,
use Heading2TopOfPage.
As Mike O suggested, your footer should contain a field something like this:
{ if { STYLEREF Heading2 } = "" { STYLEREF Heading2TopOfPage } { STYLEREF Heading2 } }
Remember, those braces aren't typed--they're the special field delimiters.
You'll probably want the MERGEFORMAT option in the second and third REF fields, and you may want to experiment with the \L option to get the effect you want.
If you can't make it work, drop me a note off-list.
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Alternative variable in Header/Footer: From: John Posada
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