Re: Context-sensitive HTML Help for .NET application

Subject: Re: Context-sensitive HTML Help for .NET application
From: "Peggy McClure" <peg217 -at- rcn -dot- com>
To: "Sarah Davies" <Sarah -dot- Davies -at- macrovision -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 07:01:01 -0400

Thanks Sarah,
The developers were hoping there was a solution where they didn't have to manually enter the information, and I assume this is just a list of the topic file names that they have to enter (not a special file). But, yes they have used keywords in the past and that may be the way we'll end up doing it again. I wasn't sure if the keywords were anything particular, or needed to be in a special file format.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah Davies
To: peg217 -at- rcn -dot- com
Cc: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:17 AM
Subject: RE: Context-sensitive HTML Help for .NET application

>I'm new to creating HTML Help, and not sure how to accomplish
>context-sensitive help for a .NET application.

We also create .CHMs with RoboHELP X5 for .NET applications. I give the developers the names of the individual topic .HTM files within my Help file, and they use those as the "keywords" to create the context-sensitive help.

For example, the Select Files window in the application might have a link to Product.chm > SelectFiles.htm. (I don't know exactly how the links are implemented because I don't know C#, but presumably your developer has done this before, from what you say.)

It's not the most elegant solution, and requires a little more time than generating a file of MapIDs, but it does work. If anybody does have a better method than this, I'd love to hear it.


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