Re: Tips on Getting Hired

Subject: Re: Tips on Getting Hired
From: John Garison <john -at- garisons -dot- com>
To: CGiordano -at- EvergreenInvestments -dot- com
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 16:02:17 -0500

I send out my resume that has information about my web page as well as my LinkedIn profile. My web page goes into more detail about specific positions, and also allows me to organize it in different ways - chronologically, by industry, etc. I also have samples that are password protected and invite people to request it if they'd like more information. I think this is better than a CD as I can update, revise, add, etc. and ensure that everyone has access to the most current version.

My 2ยข,

John Garison

CGiordano -at- EvergreenInvestments -dot- com wrote:


Now I have an online collection of portfolio items., and send links
when I know there's serious interest.

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