Re: State of the Union?

Subject: Re: State of the Union?
From: Ned Bedinger <doc -at- edwordsmith -dot- com>
To: Eddie Hollon <eddiehollon -at- yahoo -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 20:15:48 -0700

Eddie Hollon wrote:
> I wonder if any list members can help provide some insight on the following or point me to some recent statistics:

They're often cited as a source where data about the computer industry
is concerned. You'd probably have to pay (e.g., buy a report from them)
to get that information, but maybe your client is already a Dataquest
customer. That might give you access to current and archived Dataquest
reports, if they are.

> I'm kind of at a loss here and, of course, these stats are "needed" ASAP.

You could always contact computer and software companies. Novell,
Microsoft, Oracle, Dell, any of the biggies probably have subsidiaries
in any regional market you're interested in. Get the TC shovel and dig!

> I can't promise any fame and glory, but I'll gladly reveal my sources...
To who? Me? That's so cool! Don't forget to send them private, offline.

> Many thanks,
> Eddie Hollon
> TC abroad - Suwon, South Korea

Hey Eddie, what are work prospects in Ko for English-speaking tech writers?

Ned Bedinger
doc -at- edwordsmith -dot- com

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State of the Union?: From: Eddie Hollon

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